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Different Types Of CBD Extraction

The CBD market has exploded in recent years, and you can find CBD products just about anywhere. Even at gas stations and convenience stores! And no wonder CBD is so popular. The latest research shows it can be an amazing tool for helping to improve sleep, calm stress, and ease physical strain. But here’s the […]

Spring Back Into Action With CBD

Spring has sprung! Which means flowers are blooming, the sun is out longer, and we are starting to spend more time outdoors. It also means that we are likely being more active! Whether it’s getting your gardens prepped, going for long walks, bicycle rides, or even preparing for sports — your body is likely going […]

Common CBD Questions

CBD has grown in popularity in just the last five years. It’s a relatively new substance to hit the mainstream market. As such, there are many questions out there floating around. It’s a commonly trending keyword on the internet, and it’s almost always because someone is asking a question about it. Because of that, we […]

The History Of Turmeric

With over 3000 publications on it released in the last 25 years, turmeric root is one of the most highly studied substances out there. And the findings have repeatedly shown that turmeric helps contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Though news to the scientific community, cultures around the world have been using turmeric as a remedy […]

Benefits of Hemp Seeds

They’re small… Mighty… They pack a nutritious punch… They’re considered a SUPERFOOD… They are…. HEMP SEEDS! These small, brown seeds come from the Cannabis sativa plant. But they do not contain the mind altering effects that cannabis (THC) provides.  These tiny seeds are exploding in the health world because of their amazing nutritional properties. So […]

Does CBD Come Up On Drug Tests?

CBD is continuously growing in popularity in the health market as more and more people choose to use it for its great health benefits. A common concern when seeking out and beginning to take CBD is whether or not it will be detected on a drug test. Drug tests are common in every day jobs, […]

CBD For Weight Loss: Is There A Connection?

A common question with CBD is… will it help me lose weight? The answer isn’t just yes or no. First of all, it’s important to note that taking CBD won’t magically make you lose weight. But there are ways CBD can work to promote weight loss.  Like With Sleep… CBD can assist with weight loss […]

7 Ways To Improve Your Health

We all want to live a healthy and prosperous life. Unfortunately though, we do have to work for it. We need to take care of ourselves in order to keep healthy. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be a chore.  Everyday lifestyle tips can help you on your health and wellness path to a healthier […]

CBD: An Unlikely Hair Hero

To men and women alike, our hair is important. For many of us, it’s how we express ourselves. We want to have soft, shiny, and healthy hair. And we also want to ensure we avoid hair loss. Our hair can take a beating. The weather can dry it out, we can damage it through our […]

CBD And Nausea: Taming Tummy Woes

CBD has been growing in popularity over the years for the potential health benefits that can come with consuming it. People of all ages are trying CBD and finding that it can help with many ailments such as stress, relaxation, sleep, and achiness. Another possible benefit of CBD that some may not be aware of […]