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6 Signs Of Collagen Deficiency

When people think of collagen, they typically think of the skin. This is a fair approach, as collagen holds the skin together, and low collagen levels can change the skin’s appearance.  But collagen does so much more in the body than support the structure of your skin.  As such, when collagen levels are low, your […]

Quit Smoking And Stop Vaping With CBD

Do you or someone you know smoke? Do you know why? It’s not a question many smokers consider, but it can help them on the road to quitting, especially when weighed against the reasons why they shouldn’t smoke. That’s what this article is all about. Smoking impacts almost every aspect of your health, and quitting […]

What Are The Diet Cannabinoids?

Currently, there’s a wave of weight loss research going on in the world of cannabinoids. In today’s blog, you’re going to find out why. See, cannabinoids are the main active compounds within the cannabis sativa plant. One of the cannabinoids you may be familiar with is cannabidiol (CBD). CBD offers a wide range of health […]

CBD + Collagen = A Magic Skin Combo

If you’re like most people, then the health of your skin is super important to you. The health of your skin can determine how dry it is, if it appears thick or thin, wrinkles, sagginess, blemishes, and more.  In short, your skin is the top determining factor in how old you look. Thankfully, in our […]

5 Ways Vitamin D Brings Balance To Your Body

When it comes to taking CBD and other cannabinoids, what you’re actually doing for your body is bringing a balance.  But there are other things you can take– like vitamin D – to balance your systems (we’ll get into that below). CBD brings balance because of your endocannabinoid system (ECS). In your body, your ECS […]

10 Reasons You Want To Be Taking CBG

Cannabis sativa is the plant that brought us cannabidiol (CBD) – a famous cannabinoid known for its benefits in sleep, anxiety, pain relief, and more. But the cannabis plant contains far more than just CBD. In fact, there are more than 550 chemical compounds with cannabis, with at least 100 of them being cannabinoids.  And […]

How Turmeric Stops Pain

If you know anything about turmeric, you know that it’s purported to have incredible natural pain-relief effects. But is this actually true? And if so, how does it work? In this blog, we’ll answer those questions and more so that you can better understand this powerful herb and what it’s doing inside your body.  But […]

How To Quit Smoking With CBD

If you smoke, chances are you’ve thought about quitting or have even tried to at one point. After all, there are no benefits to smoking. If you’re a smoker, the only positive to another cigarette is satisfying that craving. But, as you’ll learn in a moment, CBD may be able to stop you from craving […]

6 Ways CBD Takes Skincare To The Next Level

If you’ve heard about the wonders of CBD for the skin, get ready to delve deeper into the subject. Achieving clearer, healthier skin might be easier than you think. In this blog post, we’ll explore the transformative potential of CBD when it comes to optimizing skin health. The Power of Topical CBD Taking CBD for […]