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Recent legislation has opened up the floodgates for CBD research. For example, the Agriculture Improvement Act passed by Congress in 2018, which essentially made CBD legal if it came from hemp, and the Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act, passed in 2022, intended to make it easier for scientific researchers to study the plant. 

As such, there’s a rush of new CBD studies being published every year. 

In this blog, we want to highlight two impressive 2024 studies published within the last few months. 

When reviewing studies, it’s important to ensure that they’re published in reputable journals that are peer-reviewed and vetted for quality control and biases. Not only do these two studies fit that criteria, but they also found incredible results in two different areas involving CBD. 

The first study involved pain relief for women with endometriosis, and the second involved daytime energy levels. Let’s start by looking at the first study…

Study #1: CBD for endometriosis patients 

This study was done in Berlin, Germany, and involved more than 900 patients who had been diagnosed with endometriosis. Endometriosis is a disease in which uterus tissue grows outside of the uterus, causing severe pain in the pelvis. It affects up to 10% of women and can be severely disruptive to day-to-day life. 

Published in the journal Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, researchers surveyed patients on how they treat their endometriosis. They found that nearly 20% of the respondents used CBD products to manage their pain and related symptoms. 

The study also revealed that CBD stood out as one of the most effective ways to self-manage endometriosis symptoms, scoring a 7.6 out of 10 in symptom relief. The most improvements were seen in patients’ sleep quality (91%), menstrual pain (90%), and non-cyclic pain (80%). 

But most notably, 90% of those using CBD stated that they have a reduced need for pain medications as a result of taking the CBD. 

This isn’t the first study of its kind, as other researchers have found similar findings regarding CBD and relief for endometriosis. 

Researchers concluded the study with the following:

“The use of cannabis [has] a significant impact on the overall well-being and quality of life of women with endometriosis. The study indicates that there is a significant interest and demand for additional therapeutic options, and cannabis can potentially become an important part of a multimodal therapy approach for treating endometriosis.”

Study #2: CBD reduces daytime fatigue

Another study, this one out of Split, Croatia, looked at CBD’s effect on daytime fatigue and psychological well-being. Published in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, the randomized, placebo-controlled trial followed participants for five weeks while they took either CBD or a placebo.  

Following the evaluation, researchers made several observations. They found that those taking CBD instead of a placebo experienced:

✅ Improved energy levels

✅ Reduced daytime sleepiness

✅ Improvements in Epworth Sleepiness Scale scores

✅ Increased vitality 

✅ Enhancements in psychological well-being

This study only adds to a growing body of studies showing how CBD can relieve symptoms related to stress and fatigue.

Study #3: Trying CBD for yourself?

The above two studies are just two examples of a wide range of benefits you can expect from CBD. Amidst pain relief and boosted energy, you can also see better sleep, lowered inflammation, better skin, and more.

But you won’t know until you try it.

Here at SomaLeaf, we offer CBD in the most absorbable form possible: a micelle liposomal formula. This allows for the CBD compounds to be fully taken in and used by your body so that you get the maximum benefits possible. 

We also give you six months to try our powerful CBD.

It’s time to conduct your own study and see how highly absorbable CBD can benefit your health.

>>> Click here to get started on YOUR 6-month CBD study (everything you need to know is on the next page)